YITH WooCommerce Pago con un clic Premium


  • ¡Precio muy barato y producto original!
  • Compramos y descargamos de los autores originales
  • Recibirá archivos intactos y sin modificar
  • Archivos 100% limpios y libres de virus
  • Uso de dominio ilimitado
  • Nueva versión gratuita
  • Versión del producto: 1.12.0
  • Última actualización del producto: 01.03.2022


  • YITH WooCommerce Pago con un clic Premium
  • La usabilidad enseña a que cuantos menos clics desee para obtener un resultado de un sitio, mejor será el viaje de la persona. Piense en todos estos hechos en los que tiene que trajo sus estadísticas privadas varias veces, simplemente como para la información de pago: escribiendo, una vez más, todos estos números pueden ser agotadores.
  • YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout be able assist you: a easy button and the buy desire remain straight away completed.
  • Each epoch we fulfill a buy about a website, this asks for a affirmation concerning ours as regards billing info and, sometimes, it also makes to us write them again. This skill we hold in accordance with appear for our credit card, or our Paypal account, simply to perfect eventually the purchase. A truely long process, as now not only is a misspend regarding era for your customers, but it additionally will increase the dangers on erection a mistake.
  • This is why YITH WooCommerce One-Click Checkout is a prevailing solution for sure: once you customers’ billing data will be preserved in the course of theirs registration, they will lie able in imitation of makes use of a simple button in accordance with purchase directly as he desire. Exactly, a simple click yet the buy intention be completed, except someone other steps yet abuse over time. A unaccompanied labor after get in conformity with the final result: the dream over each customer!
  • Make purchase requests from the production detail page, bypassing checkout
  • Customize the colors over the “One-Click” button about the manufacture detail page
  • Customize the note concerning the “One-Click” button
  • All capabilities regarding the fair version
  • Display the “One-Click” button only then the first purchase concerning a user
  • 2 layouts for the one-click payment: both a button then a link
  • Show “One-Click” button of the save page
  • Hide the “One-Click” button within individual products then particular categories
  • Restrict plugin’s capabilities solely according to sure manufacture categories
  • Choose where ye need according to redirect customers afterward completing the order:
    • “Thank You” page
    • product page
    • payment page
    • another page on the site
  • Include the payment in the one-click work condition ye makes use of YITH WooCommerce Stripe
  • Let customers assemble a couple of transport addresses


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